Protect your auto glass

Safelite products to help you see the road ahead

Keep your auto glass safe and clear with our wiper blades, rain repellent and glass cleaner. Our products can be purchased online, through your customer portal or during your scheduled appointment.

Wiper Blades

safelite wiper blades

Replacing wiper blades after a windshield repair or replacement is important to ensure old wipers don't re-damage your glass. Our Advanced Beam Blades can be installed by a technician at your upcoming appointment or purchased online.


Key features:

  • Improved visibility
  • Durable, all-weather performance
  • Backed by a six-month guarantee


Do I need new wiper blades?

You'll know it's time for new blades when you:

  • Have had your windshield glass repaired or replaced
  • See streaking or hazing on your windshield
  • Notice the rubber is worn or damaged
  • Haven't replaced them in six months or more


Glass Cleaner

safelite windshield wiper blades

Our professional-grade glass cleaner can be used on mirrors, windows, windshields and other glass surfaces.


Key features

  • Streak and ammonia free with a pleasant smell
  • Strong enough to cut through dirt
  • Wipes up easily, dries quickly



Rain Repellent Treatment

windshield rain repellent
Treating your windshield with rain repellent improves visibility in harsh conditions and can help your wiper blades last longer with less frequent use.


Key features

  • Reduces rain glare, especially at night
  • Makes snow, ice and dirt easier to remove
  • Lasts up to six months through washes, wiper fluid spray and frequent blade use


Don't wait, schedule your appointment today!

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